Mute Tuesday

Now that I have somewhat of a schedule beginning to take shape, I'm now free to sit down, try to unwind which is proving to be a bit tough with all these floating ideas still waiting to be implemented into my life. But I'm going to try and I'll start by writing out this double daily challenge post! Since I didn't have time to do yesterday's challenges, but heck, I don't mind at all. These challenges are hella fun to do, and I might do one for next month as well. I don't secretly have one saved all ready for next month, gosh, what are you talking about?

I've been lurking Blogger for about two years now, trying to make sense of it all as it's very different to what I'm used to - tumblr. Now, tumblr is brilliant. I love that thing. But to me, it's more for instant attractions using instant mechanisms with instant reactions, rather than grabbing a cup of tea, sitting down and settling in to really read a good post documenting their life, thoughts, treasures and findings. I tend to enjoy more and I couldn't get that out of tumblr. It wasn't the right platform for me, if you will. I can't for the life of me remember how I originally found Blogger but when I did, it was heaven. It was exactly what I was looking for, though I couldn't figure the system out. However, I finally made it! And now Blogger and Bloglovin' take up a good 60% of my laptop time. I have no regrets about that either.

My most favourite piece of artwork I've ever owned in my entire life. I bought this in February '12 at Comicon. I do have an unusual love for skulls but that's not the only thing that drew me to this canvas. Inside the canvas was a laminated note with a quote on it, saying what the canvas meant. It said something along the lines of "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot extinguish it". Deep appreciation for it grew from the get go and I purchased it. Since then, it's never left my life or my wall. The pink is about to be painted over with deep teal though, I'm not about that life.

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