Nothing to everything

You know when you go from having little to nothing to do with your free time, to having so much rammed into your schedule that you can hardly juggle it? Yeah, that happened yesterday, which meant I had no time to blog. So I'm going to merge yesterday and today in this post. And you shall like it! Yas!

My cute and fluffy cat hat! I bought this about two to three years go, I want to say? Worn it inside my home 35,038 times, worn it in outside publicly 0 times. Part of the reason is that I have this talent where I buy things I spot in stores because those things make automatically make my life more amazing, I get home, put it away safely and then I forget about it for obscene amounts of time. This hat has been so abandoned and I couldn't even tell you why because it's amazing. I'm going to wear it. I'm going to wear it.


Music. It's always there, it's always ready for you. It soothes the soul, it takes you on adventures, it's your pep talk, it's your dancing buddy, your shoulder to cry on, your inspiration. The sound of music has never let me down, it's been there during the best times of my life and the darkest times which it's countlessly pulled me out of. Which it does for millions of people every single day. Pretty near impossible to separate me from my music. As the first new addiction to my collection in 2015, I've been getting deeply into Fever Ray, so much that it's all that's playing on my music lists right now.

Now, I'm not usually one for heroes. I'm not about that life. I'm all about dem villains, with the whole spectrum of Batman villains being absolutely legendary. No one will ever top those guys. But there is one guy that always tickles my fancy. Deadpool. More anti-hero, more chaotic neutral, more my kind of thing. No qualms, no morals. 100% humour, regardless. My kind of anti-hero.

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