
I am offically no longer caught up with my 30 day challenges of daily blogging! Oops. I've unintentionally put myself a few days behind. Valid reasons, I have. This past week, my health has been barbaric. Unexplained nausea and unusual abdominal pain, until now. I now come equipped with a digestive disorder, which I was diagnosed with two days ago. It's been undiagnosed but speculated for years and now it's official. Peppermint is now my best friend. And I've been placed onto a Fodmap diet thing to figure out exactly what foods my intestines have trouble digesting. So basically, I need new intestines. Anyone? No?..


Ah, the little town where I spend most of my time outdoors. I do most of my shopping here and it's where I do volunteer work for a children's charity. The eerie, heavy blankets of cloud threatened snow. The weather stations, including Met Office have been forecasting snow for where I live. Have I seen a single flake of the stuff? No. It's definitely cold enough for it to snow though. Luckily, I completed all of my errands before, whatever we may get, arrives.


Mid IBS flare up. No make up, sleep deprived, nausea when I eat, nausea when I don't eat, generous about of fatigue, I was hardly a candidate for a picture of happiness and health. But this was the last step to completing the Open When series of letters for my other half and I'll be damned if he can't accept me at my worse times, haha. He made that heart I'm holding. It's got a cog wheel inside of it so you can twist it and it will disfigure the shape of the heart. After a full turn, it'll shape itself back into a heart. It's a very cool thing. Very cool.

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