
My phone alarm apparently decided to let me sleep a couple of hours longer this morning, since I discovered it was somehow turned off. Because of that, I overslept and I feel like I've been in a hazy dream all day. My other half, the devil that he is, surprised me with his presence. He cancelled plans today because he felt like he hadn't spent any time with me lately. Then my heart turned into a mushy pile of mush. It didn't stop me from slightly telling him off, which took great effort considering my selfish needs, I'll admit it. But it's true, we're both ambitious, both on apprenticeships and we don't get a lot of time together at all. So for this once, for today, I allowed us to have what we wanted to have - each other... I'll go get the buckets and violins.

Right now, my view is pretty much my typical homebody view. The picture is horrendously blurry and I don't really understand why, but it won't be long before I manage to get an SLR and I can step up my game, big time. There's a huge cup of coffee, which I might add has THE best Dutch coffee I've ever had the pleasure to introduce my overly ecstatic taste buds to, a game which both me and him love to play - which is pretty much game that allows friendly fire for our team killing needs, my Moogle teddy which I bought a few years ago at a Comicon - which I may be attending again next month (eeeee!), a Yankee Candle in my most favourite scent of Pink Dragon Fruit! Yay! It would be lit right this very second if the jar didn't arrive in pieces. So I'm having to melt and re-pot it into an empty jar soon. It'll break my very heart if I had to resort to cutting it into chunks to melt on the burner instead. No can do, I'm saving this candle if it's the last thing I do!

Two years ago, if what was happening in my life now happened back then, I'd be in crumbles. I wouldn't have known how to stay on my two feet, I would have given up on everything and I would have returned to my old habits. I'm deliberately not going into detail, I apologise. Fudge these past few days, the whole of last December proved to me just how in control of my life I am now. It taught me that even though things are getting real messy, everything will turn out okay in the end. The way I view life now, that's what I'm proud of.

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